Higher education in India is likely to face major shifts and radical turns in the decades to come with ambitious policy formulationsin NEP 2020. It puts more responsibilities on the self-management of the institution. Clear indication is there forgradual reduction of grants and making NAAC recognition mandatory for financial assistance and other incentives. As the disciplinary rigidity between subjects and streams has been made flexible and numerous entry and exists have been allowedrural based institutions like Dr. B. K. B. College will have to incorporate more expertise and generate enough dynamism in terms of leadership, capital formation,diversification of course, shrewd management and faculty orientation.Concentrated motivation among students is a must to learn skills in diverse fields instead of pursuing knowledge without focus.
It would be our top priority to shape the young minds of the aspiring students in view of the needs and challenges of higher education in the 21st century. The more higher education is groomed in the holistic spirit on the principles of justice and equity greater becomes the prospect of serving the pluralist ideology and goals of the nation.We in our situation need enough incentive and range of alternatives in tune with contemporary demands for the students to facilitate lateral entries. Along with the traditional subjects and streams, the departments of Preforming art (Sattriya), Sociology, Psychology and the programmes under streams of B.Voc and Commercecan ensure greater enrolmentand lateral entries. We have for long decades tried to create a curriculum-extension interface with NCC, NSSand extension programmes so as to build up a vibrant curricular ambience where education can be oriented towards the principles of gender equity, social justice, taping leadership qualities and arousing creative and critical vibes through situational interaction.
We hope to overcome the challenges and constraints and realise the potential to cope with the compulsions of the millennium.
Dr.Kamal Saikia, M.A, Ph.D