Dr. Birinchi Kumar Barua Study Centre was launched in 2019 as per recommendation of the NAAC PEER TEAM visiting our college in 2011 for 2nd cycle reaccreditation of Dr. B. K. B. College. As the college is named after Dr. Birinchi Kumar Barua, the towering personality in Assamese literature, culture and historical scholarship in the first half of the twentieth century, it was deemed to be a continuous innovative practice for the institution to encourage and promote fresh ideas and critical enquiries in the field of humanities in his memory. The rationale behind its formation, precisely speaking, is to promote certain core values that can well reflect the spirit and pluralistic ideas as observed in the thoughts and works of Dr. B. K. Barua. We have some ambitious plans to give the centre a broad based research credential with specific focus on socio-cultural and environmental concerns. During the two academic sessions since its formation we have been conducting some routine activities i.e. B. K. Barua Memorial Lecture (annually in association with a particular department) and biennially by the Study centre), a certificate course in Creative and Critical Thinking for aspiring students in an academic session, literary and cultural programmes like Galpo-Kotha, (a story telling programme based on the texts of some leading short stories and beautifully tuned with classical music according to the emotional and intellectual temperament as reflected in the texts).